VERY strange BitLocker "enter password" startup screen, not blue - ORANGE - I can't see anything, BUT after I type password and hit enter, Windows IS booting

Hello there

So I'm experiencing strange BitLocker behaviour. I have this PC at work. Clean Windows 8 x64 installation, 3 HDD (AHCI), no SSD.

After I set up BitLocker to encrypt "C" partition, it gave me pop-up window, that I should restart PC to test the BitLocker loader. So I clicked Yes. And after few seconds I got this:


Mind, I'm still ABLE TO type password (i can't see sh** though), after I hit enter Windows IS booting, but it's really weird to see above picture instead of:

My GFX is OK, I tested it with games, benchmarks etc.

BitLocker simply cannot, for whatever reason, use my video card properly and displays those weird lines. After all - it hasn't loaded the whole Windows yet. Than again, it IS a bit strange, as Windows installers tend to work fine.

Any thoughts people?

Kind Regards


June 11th, 2013 11:41am

What video card?
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June 11th, 2013 4:28pm

It's Nvidia 9600GT with passive cooling. It's connected to monitor via DVI-DVI cable.

Today I bought DVI - HDMI, tomorrow at work I'll see if anything will change.

All HDD are decrypted now, I don't want to encrypt them till I know everything is fine with BitLocker.


Today I also removed "System Reserved" partition, and I allowed BitLocker to create it once again - just to let you know.

EDIT2: No luck with DVI-HDMI cable.

  • Edited by lotnybartek Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:28 AM edit
June 11th, 2013 6:19pm


I have exactly same problem as you. Did you solve the problem?

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October 4th, 2013 2:15pm

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